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Hi my name is Eduardo but some people call me Lalo. I'm 17 yrs old. I like to talk wit friendz a lot! Im a shy kind of person n normally won't talk wit people i dont know, but i enjoy being a friend. I'm the kind that is quiet around people i dont know but ones i know them i tend to talk A LOT. I try 2 help people if they ask for my help n i like helping. I am normally a kind person even when im mad i will not get others knto my problems. My fears r the ocean n beund being alone. :(. I dont like seafood or fighting, but wont let myself get picked on :). I started getting into poetry n i started enjoying it. I like to go out n hate being bored. I am a responsible person n i always do whats best for me n my friendz. I will always put friendz more importantly than myself. This is all that i can think of but i'll add anything else that comes to my mind so Goodbye!! :D

Languages used

  • English language
  • Spanish (language)
  • Spanglish

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