Julie Franklin
- Language: en_US
- Phone: (SSG) - LTVXQ - 467
- female
- Single
I read my last entry here and a lot has changed from that hopeful exchange to now. The good: I have published a novel called "The Conghalach Witches", available on Amazon. I'm working on the sequel at a snail's pace. I'm painting again thanks to the generous gift of money from Julia Rodriguez, my therapist, this past Christmas because she knew something was missing in my life and the ability to create again was it. There's unfinished canvases all over because oils take a long time to dry. The Bad Stuff: My Mother and I were in a bad hit and run accident where we were side swiped off the road into a steep ditch where we rolled over and eventually hit a tree in a wooded area. Tess, my sweet dog was in the vehicle with us, and didn't make it. My heart is broken badly over that. We were hanging kind of upside down to the side. The seat belt kept me suspended in the air. Mom was laying on the door on the driver's side. Unfortunately I was dripping blood all over her. The ambulance took her to the hospital, and I got to go by helicopter. They did what they did to us, sent us on our way, and when I contacted my lawyer about a different matter a few days later and told him about the hit and run, he got excited and Mom and I went to his office. There's a codicil in an auto insurance policy that covers hit and runs called Phantom Traveler. If you look at the deductions part of your policy, it will tell you your out of pocket expenses and what the insurance company has to pay out based on what the court decides. Our policy states the max is $100,000 per person. Because there is no defendant to show up to plead their case, and Mom and I were really banged up and I went into a full PTSD without my therapy dog, broken bones in my right hand, and fear--Mom couldn't sleep because she kept reliving the accident every time she shut her eyes, our lawyer says it is pretty much guaranteed we'll each get the maximum. So that is 2019 so far.