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It is about persistence-when you can keep doing what you're doing no matter what. Commitment is being willing to do whatever it takes to be in the realm of Jesus Christ. The Lord just said to me..."People want to learn about the prophetic and the gifts of the Spirit and they haven't yet learned about the Kingdom of God and the fruit of the Spirit." Now Paul said "Follow after love and desire spiritual gifts" but Paul was talking to a people that as carnal as they were (Corinth) the good news of the Kingdom had already been preached to them. These people were Believers they were just carnal (fleshly, sense ruled). Paul's aim was to help them discover the maturity that the Father expects us all to walk in. Today we have School of the Prophets and other such groups built on a foundational belief that in this age God has restored the offices of apostles and prophets and with the restoration of such offices that the Body of Christ (Church) cannot mature in the unity of the faith. Essentially the premise is true but without an understanding of the Kingdom of God the only thing that is produced is a unity among those who belief a half truth, in essence, believing a lie. The foundation of the apostolic and the five-fold is not Jesus Christ crucified (alone) but that Christ is the Messiah King who has brought us a kingdom and through the New Birth made us to be the sons and daughters of the Most High God, a nation of Kings and priests unto God the Father. Through the New Birth we are born of the Spirit now. We have been given the life of the Father, adopted into the family, accepted in the beloved now. Our submission to the King should produce through us the fruit of the Spirit which is the character of Jesus, the personification of the Kingdom of God. The gifts of the Spirit, Him manifesting the miracles, signs and wonders of the Spirit filled life through us with power, is also the result of the fact that our Sovereign King purposed in us to produce through us not just the fruit or character of Christ but also the power of Christ. Seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness or way of doing and being right is the starting place, the foundation to our very existence. It is only by setting right kingdom priority that we come into the full purpose and plan of God, a purpose and plan that He is now free to workout through us because we are totally yielded to Him. Every Bishop, Pastor, Apostle, Minister reading this, do not have an imaginary understanding of the Kingdom of God. Our religion has trained us to lump all of the Bible into being the gospel and consequently we never discovered the gospel Jesus preached. We missed the Kingdom Jesus preached and built a religious system in its place. The Kingdom of God is God's sovereign, royal rule and dominion over a people, over a territory, impacting them with His will, that the people would walk in the character and culture of Kingdom citizenship, as the sons and daughters of the Most High, possessing the Kingdom under the heavens, preaching the same Kingdom Jesus preached with power. God is commanding us all to repent (rethink), and go back to original thought. He is commanding you and I to return to what God purposed from the beginning, over what we purposed through religion and were trained to believe from those who had gone on before us. Thank God for your spiritual mentors along the way. They are worthy to be remembered and certainly respected but they didn't have the fullness of the truth either. And this is not a dispensational thing. The Kingdom has been here for more than 2000 years. Origen, one of the early Church fathers after the death of the Apostles, he knew the Kingdom as so did so many others. People like Martin Luther, John Knox and John Calvin all learned some great and wonderful things out of the Word of God but they too, as theologians go, missed the Kingdom. Dwight L. Moody and others loved God no doubt but there view of the Bible was from a religious perspective. Shades of Catholicism clouded many of the best of them and their view of the Church and its purpose. People like Albert Schweitzer believed that the coming Kingdom was to be an apocalyptic event that Jesus was so committed to that He died in an effort to make this end time event come to pass. The tragedy of such thinking is that a great many thinkers who did not have answers for the Kingdom of God and purpose of man sided with Schweitzer because they viewed him as a great missionary and well educated man. What I am saying to you today...and I am going hard for the Kingdom here in saying this...your title means nothing to God without you having a foundational, grounded understanding of the Kingdom of God and your personal responsibility to communicate that Kingdom to the nations of the world as a witness, that then the end will come. Sermonizing only pacifies the people and makes them practice a learned helplessness. While they are waiting for their breakthrough, while they are waiting for their season, they miss their purpose to be the vessels of honor God has called us all to be, as we serve Him as ambassadors re-presenting the Kingdom, the dominion that Adam lost. Don't be impressed with your own title. Don't operate in self delusion thinking yourself to be more than you ought to think. If you were to leave here today or tomorrow what could be said about your ministry of the Kingdom of God. I am talking to leaders here right now. When you look at your ministry, is there a new members class that teaches newly saved people the kingdom of God? Have you set up training programs for people to understand the Kingdom of God? There are so many people who have schools of this or schools of that and when you enroll and listen to what is preached, having learned the urgency, power and priority of the Kingdom of God, you discover that while we may have given a sermon that edifies in large part we've actually kept the people ignorant of that which is supposed to be essential to their very existence. Any school related to ministry that does not have as its foundation, a grounded understanding of the urgency, power and priority of the central message of Jesus misses its very purpose for being in existence.Leaders, bring back the "order", the Kingdom order Jesus began with. Encourage the people to seek the Kingdom, study, earnestly puruse, enquire and require of God's sovereign, royal rule and dominoin, and His way of doing and being right, intentionally. Requires every member from the pulpit to the pew to become and show that they, as well as you, are making the Kingdom of God and His righteousness to be your number one priority. Take weeks preaching on the Kingdom and His righteousness if that's what it takes. Abandon or make adjustments to your plans...God is trying to direct your steps. Receive the instruction and walk in great degrees and demonstration. The Lord had said to me just moments before writing this..."People want to learn about the prophetic and the gifts of the Spirit and they haven't yet learned about the Kingdom of God and the fruit of the Spirit."


  • Lancaster Bible College
  • Temple University
  • Willingboro High School

Favorite saying

  • "This is the hour of Kingdom Reformation. You cannot build the Kingdom. It has already been built. You cannot restore the Kingdom. Its never been empty, lost or without in any regard. But what you can do is rediscover the Kingdom and reform the Church based on Kingdom realities. Are you a part of the Kingdom reformation movement or one of those who God is moving out of the way that His will and His word would be magnified."

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