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I'm 25 yearsold, almost 26, was born and raised in Vallejo, CA, though don't ask me what neighborhood 'cause I've lived in them all pretty much. I've had the same best friend pretty much since Seventh grade, my Brother Lance Calupaz Jayogue, I'm an aspiring writer, trying to finish my first Novel as I sit here making this profile (I'm going through the creative process in my head :P), I'm 5'10, 160 pounds, I've got blue eyes and light/cinnamon colored brown hair, I'm argumentative as hell, stubborn, and down right irritable, but if your my friend, I'll be there for you through anything, all you have to do is call.

Favorite saying

  • ""Do or Do Not, there is no Try." Yoda, Star Wars Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back. "Through Strength, Learn Gentlesness, Through Gentleness, Strength Will Come," I believe that Bruce Lee said it, but don't qoute me on that. Oh, and pretty much anything Winston Chruchill ever said."

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