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I can be your best friend or your worst enemy!! I am sick of being told lies by those I thought were my friends. I am sick of being used for one reason or another!! i just want to live a happy life and if you are in to games or lies then you are no longer going to be a part of my life... I would say that I have been fu*ked over so many times that I am really starting to hate people! i have a handful of friends that are really here for me (you know who u are) You know that is all i need. I just want to get on with my life and if you are here to make my life worse I will find out and you will be removed from my friends list... I dont have time for all the BS out there and all the people that bring it.. so I hope you all have a nice day!! And if you find yourself one that is not longer my friend then I guess you can just Kiss my a$$!!!!

Favorite saying

  • "Dont let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out!! I am not a game player and if you are in to games then your not in my life!! if you know whats best for you then your just tell the truth and stop the lies!!! I am me if you dont like it then get the fuc* out of my life and leave me alone!!"

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