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I went from "Most Likely to Succeed" in my high school graduating class to "The Wheels Coming Off" at age 30. From that point forward, I decided to recommit myself to achieving the success I had envisioned for myself. Since that time I have been able to create a great life for myself by utilizing my unique talents and doing what I love to do. Isn't that what life is all about? Currently, I own a franchise with Ameriprise Financial. Our financial planning and investment firm is the Best Life Financial Group. We are the only Ameriprise Certified Kingdom Advisor practice in Central Ohio. We work with people who want to live at the intersection of faith and finance, especially those who want to live their best life in the 2nd half of life.


  • The Ohio State University
  • Columbus Briggs

Favorite saying

  • ""If you'll just help enough other people get what they want, you'll have everything you want!" Zig Ziglar"

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