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Favorite saying

  • ""TOUCHDOWN ARKANSAS!!!"-Paul Eells "OH MY!!!"--Paul Eells When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace -Jimmy Hendrix "Love Your Enemies, bless those who curse you.."Jesus "I got a FEVA! and the only for more COWBELL!!"--SNL "The HOGS win big, I like Arkansas"--Kirk Herbstriet "GOOD PICK!! How can you not love this place? I LOVE Arkansas I love everything about it!!...give me this thing...(puts on hog mascot head) Woo Pig Sooie!!"--Lee Corso--College Gameday "I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying"-- The one, the only, Micheal Jordan. "Spongebob is Asian. He's yellow, does karate, and can't drive. He's Asian."-Me....and someone else! "I'm worried Tommy's crunking is starting to interfere with his schoolwork."- Me"

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