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Forever studying and learning as a Schoolgirl: Autobiography of Lady Stephanie Michelle Whittaker, kn. OTO (Soror Stefani Samhain) First, let me state that I am the way that I am: I am transgendered. I have been a female and I have been a male, for 10 years I lived as Stephanie, but then I chose to live as Stephen again, and recently I have chosen to live as Stephanie again. Maybe its all due to Uranus being square Venus or Pluto being conjunct my Ascendant in my Natal Chart, who knows?! Judge me as you please. That said, I am a very non-judgmental person myself. I was born in Ogden, Utah on 28 August 1972, with Libra Rising, Sol in Virgo, Luna in Aries, Mercury in Leo, Venus in Cancer, Mars in Virgo, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in Gemini, Uranus in Libra, Neptune in Sagittarius, Pluto in Libra, Lilith in Scorpio, Ceres in Virgo, Pallas in Virgo, Juno in Libra, Vesta in Gemini, and Chiron in Aries. I am not a Mormon, although my dad's maternal side are mostly Mormon, but his paternal side are mostly agnostic cowboys from Wyoming. I am Pennsylvania Dutch, Lenni Lenape (Native American), and Sephardi (French Jewish) on my mom’s maternal side and I am Portuguese, Philippino, and Sephardi (Spanish Jewish) on my mom’s paternal side of the family. My mom and dad divorced when I was young and my mom remarried to my stepdad. He was in the New Wave Punk band known as the Extremes, which had some acclaim during the early 1980's in the Tri-State area (New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania). He moved us to New Jersey, originally Johnsonburg, Mendham, and Liberty Corner, but we eventually settled in Phillipsburg during my High School years, where I attended P-burg High. Other than my oldest friend Anthony "Tony" Larocca, I remained mostly a loner throughout Junior High School into High School. I dressed as a "punker" in all black, I wore my hair long in length like an ancient Nazirite and modern Hippie, I was somewhat hermaphroditic, and I wore a characteristic black jean jacket with my Rosicrucian motto "Soror Samhain" and the satanic Baphomet symbol of the Church of Satan founded by Anton LaVey (although with Samael and Lilith inscribed within the pentagram according to the original version created by Stanislas de Guaita). I was into the music of the Misfits, Venom, Slayer, Motorhead, Anthrax, Metallica, and Iron Maiden, etcetera. I would often crossdress, but I was not "out" at the time. I am an artist and I loved Marvel comic books and the Dungeon & Dragons role-playing game at the time. During the summer of 1989, I completed an internship with the Marvel Comics Group. Due to my interest in artwork, I befriended a certain Robert "Bob" Walls during an art class at P-burg High. He re-introduced me to a certain Rev. Mark E. Bober, S.P. (Satanic Priest) whom I had met briefly, a year prior, as a Sensei of Shorin-ryu Karate and a leader of the Allentown, PA Guardian Angels. The two initiated me into their own schismatic grotto of the Church of S.A.T.A.N. (Survival and the Androgyny Nation), located in Allentown, PA originally under the leadership of Rev. Yaj Nomolos, S.P. (Jay Solomon). Together, the three of us transformed this grotto into the Hermetic Order of the New Aeon, after an incident regarding the theft of a $950 movie replica Conan sword on 08 February 1989, involving Mark E. Bober and a certain Travis Moose, on the pretense of restoring the dissolved Themis Lodge-Temple #9 of the original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in Philadelphia, PA founded by S.L.M. Mathers through Soror X (Elsa Barker). Our Rosicrucian Society gained some notoriety during the Satanic Ritual Abuse (S.R.A.) panic between 1989-1992 in the Lehigh Valley area due to an incident involving a certain Alex Steinberg, passages I had taught a certain Mark DeGeronimo from Aleister Crowleys "Magick in Theory and Practice" (my personal copy still resides at Warren County Community College - distinguished by its tape cover), charges of a satanic ritual abduction, a similar image to the logo created by Bob Walls for the Order of the New Aeon (a pentagram with ivy leaves, the letters for Alpha et Omega, and the elemental colors) discovered at the Gilbert barn, my personal Book of Shadows discovered by my art teacher Robert V. Jiorle and reported to P-burg High School's assistant principle Dr. Robert C. Emery, and the involvement of New Jersey state trooper and S.R.A. enthusiast James Henry of Hazeltown, NJ. Some of these incidents, of course, became news worthy and were reported in the local "Morning Call" newspaper As an adept of the occult, Soror Stefani Samhain, I served as the Cancellaria & Hegemone of the Order of the New Aeon. We adopted much of the Thelemic and Satanic doctrines promoted by Jay Solomon concerning a New Aeon of an adrogynous Neitzchian evolution as described in his "Social Realism and the Second Coming" (I obtained a pre-published copy in 1989). The group disbanded, however, after only about 1 year (circa 1988-1989), but I continued to study my Jewish heritage of the Qabalah (Kabbalah or Cabala). I never graduated High School at P-burg, my mother and stepdad having placed my brother and I into the drug rehabilitation center known as KIDS of Bergen County/North Jersey, which was run by the infamous Dr. Miller Newton (an abusive cult-like rehabilitation center which was exposed in the film "Over the G.W." by Nick Gaglia). I was instituted due to my Gender Identity Dysphoria (G.I.D.) and I remained there for 5 long years (1990-1995). I never completed my communal therapy at KIDS, but, in 1995 I was released from the program. I got my G.E.D. and I attended a semester of art classes at Warren County Community College. Having discovered a "Higher Power" through the 12 Steps of A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous), especially the 11th and 12th Steps, I became deeply involved in Evangelical Christianity through the Washington, NJ and P-burg, NJ Christian & Missionary Alliance Church, which was founded by the Christian mystic A.B. Simpson; a Quietist or Hesychast who greatly influenced the development of the modern Pentecostal Movement. I was baptized in the Delaware River by Pastors Marc T. Haynes, Rodger Smeall, and Randy Nelson (1995), professing Jesus to be the Jewish Messiah of promise. I attended a semester at the NJ campus of P.C.B. (Philadelphia College of Bible), a school closely affiliated with C.I. Scofield and D.T.S. (Dallas Theological Seminary), and I became convinced of the truth of the doctrine known as Dispensationalism originally adopted by J.N. Darby and the Plymouth Brethren. I was befriended by David E. Scheel, a counselor and the founder of Full Circle InterLife Therapy, who has been very supportive over the years of my living transgender. I also became a certified Trainer for E.E. (Evangelism Explosion III International), I conducted door-to-door evangelism, and along with my friend Matthew Vanderford I started a street evangelism ministry on South Street in Philadelphia, PA which later became Street Light Evangelism under the leadership of Sean Mauer; an accredited ministry at PCB. I, further, attended the I.J.S. (Institute of Jewish Studies), a school of the F.O.I. (Friends of Israel gospel ministry), I began to identify myself as a Christian Zionist, and I received an Associate Degree in Jewish Studies. I continued my studies at P.C.B., at the PA campus, and I received my Bachelorette of Science Degree in Biblical Studies in 2001; as part of the first graduate class after P.C.B. became P.B.U. (Philadelphia Biblical University; now known as Cairn University). This is the only accredited college/university to offer a prestigious Bachelor of Science, versus the common Bachelor of Arts, Degree in Biblical Studies. This reflects the Dispensationalist emphasis upon a literal, historical and grammatical exegesis of the Bible. Through my consistent adherence to these hermeneutical principles, I became convinced, like the Mormonites, that the Church is in Apostasy, and I began to attend the "simple" services of the Separatist Seekers known as the Plymouth Brethren; the original Dispensationalists under the leadership of J.N. Darby. Adopting, also, the messianic aspects of the Hebrew Roots movement, along with the separatist aspects of the Brethren movement, Luke Hart, Phil Leyenaar, Matthew Vanderford, and myself began our own "simple" House Meetings like the early Church. In 2003, I began to transition as a female in all aspects of my life. I also began to work for U.P.S. (United Parcel Service), which was founded on my birthday, 28 August (1907 versus 1972), and I became a Teamster with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters union. Today, I am a Ground Security Coordinator (G.S.C.) and a district Regulated Goods Coordinator and Trainer for U.P.S. Furthermore, I renewed my activity with the Rosicrucians, becoming knighted with the original O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis: Order of Eastern Templars) as Dame or Lady Stefani, kn. OTO, and establishing my own Rosicrucian Order known as the Guild of Venus - Chavurah Nogah as a resurrection of the dissolved Order of the New Aeon. During a brief period of transition where I lived and worked in Philadelphia, PA, I was befriended by Laura Middleton who has been very supportive of my living transgender. Having moved to Clearfield, UT, I was befriended by Terri "Nicole" Petersen-Lopez who has been very supportive of my living transgender, and whose daughter Saylor is a treasure to my heart. I have struggled through many adversities with my gender dysphoria, but have found consolation in the ancient Jewish meditative practice of the Prophets of the Bible known as Hithbod'duth; a practice very similar to Yoga. Indeed, I have sometimes taken students and trained them in the basics of meditation. Today, I live amongst the Mormonites along the Wasatch Front whom I am convinced are destined to help the Jews someday rebuild the lost Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, Israel (based upon a vision I received in 1989 of two Jedi-like individuals leading the Mormonites to build the Temple of Solomon for the Jews with the help of the daemons of the ancient grimoire known as the Key of Solomon, and, a personal vision shared with me regarding the current Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, in 2000, and Amos 9:11: "In that day, I shall raise up the fallen Tabernacle of David". During the new millennium, I visited the mystical city of Safed (Tzfat), which I am convinced is the true Nazareth, and I prayed for the peace (shalom) of Israel with a rebuilt Temple of Solomon (after having just visited and supported with donations the Temple Institute which has furnished all of the ancient vessels and garments of the Temple of Solomon, and is currently funding its imminent construction) at the Western "wailing" Wall in Jerusalem, Israel. I have taken the prophetic biblical passage of Jeremiah 31:22 as my life verse on biblical transgenderism: "How long shall you wander you faithless daughter? For HaShem (Tetragrammaton: YHVH) shall create something new in the land: A female shall encompass a male-hero." Amen and Agla


  • Cairn University
  • The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Inc.

Favorite saying

  • ""The only thing we can know absolutely is that we cannot know anything absolutely." (Stefani)"

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