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I have a theory that civilizations rise and fall at similar times throughout the world as found on my blog: And that the causes involve similar causal linkages. - Regarding Self-Education on Nicaragua rights and laws affecting children: As it is recommended to educate yourself about any possible relocation attempts or risks of abductions to other countries. Read about it due to a child abduction alert on tv scaring my daughter and due to recent issues with relatives of the ex. It is simple education about countries' policies which is the responsibility of all parents with custody and ties to countries on each side. I believe it is an appropriate precaution to learn, not intended to offend Nicaraguans, this are legitimate government sources. Example: "Enforcement The U.S. Department of State, in its 2006 Country Reports on Human Rights,[58] in the section on Nicaragua, provides abundant, detailed information on many violations to children’s rights and the lack of enforcement of the laws protecting them, despite the fact that the Government has publicly expressed its commitment to children’s human rights and welfare.[59] ...Despite the law’s prohibition, violence against children remains a significant problem.[62] The same can be said with respect to trafficking of women and children.[63] " - Observed Games and Tactics most often used against me by Farmers Insurance Group: 1) False Impressions 2) Timing Games 3) False Witness & False Friends indirect implications 4) Subtle harassment 5) Immediate undermining 6) Constant spin 7) Subtle use of ad messaging 8) Double meaning pretexts 9) Peer pressure & manipulate close contacts 10) The old switcharoo (blame the victim, harrasser feigns being victimized, etc) Combinations: Sell outs doing the staging, taking the trouble to set up the false impression, timing impressions, gangs-talking & cause-stalking "Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus." Alexander Graham Bell My focus: Defense despite staged impressions and timing games New business Family, friends, religion, studies/retraining, finances, hobbies. Imagery and double-talk has been used to imply and slander. Frequent slander and discrediting tactics: spin way of looking at things as analogies and stories on dangerous or crazy individuals, imagery of violence, questioning of sexual orientation and implying multiple perversions, questioning honor, pretexts use double meaning implying threats, veiled threats, various psychological diagnosis implied, memory or healthy sues implied... WCIRB governing committee is appointed by the insurance commissioner: The Governing Committee sets policy and oversees management of the affairs of the WCIRB. The Governing Committee is comprised of twelve members: seven private insurers; State Compensation Insurance Fund; and four public members - two representing insured employers and two representing organized labor. Except for State Compensation Insurance Fund, insurer members are elected for three-year terms by the membership at the Annual Meeting, while public members are appointed for two-year terms by the Insurance Commissioner. By statute, State Compensation Insurance Fund is a permanent member of the Governing Committee. The Insurance Commissioner, or his designated representative, is entitled to attend all meetings of the Governing Committee. Insurer Members ACE Property and Casualty Insurance Company Employers Compensation Insurance Company Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA Oak River Insurance Company Pacific Compensation Insurance Company State Compensation Insurance Fund Zenith Insurance Company Public Members Karyn Smithson-Hughes, Employer Representative S. Bruce Wick, Employer Representative Mitch Seaman, Labor Representative Jeremy Smith, Labor Representative Major cost reductions were implemented in recent years of workers compensation legislation through the following assembly bills: 2004 SB899 and 2013 SB863


  • Claremont McKenna College
  • Gladstone High School

Favorite saying

  • ""In their appeal to the high court, they said this would reimpose “the very code of silence” that allowed massive frauds such as Enron to occur. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, speaking for the court, said Congress meant to broadly protect whistle blowers who could expose wrongdoing. It made no sense, she said, to think “a Congress, prompted by the Enron debacle, would exclude from whistle-blower protection countless professionals equipped to bring fraud on investors to a halt.”...("court on Tuesday expanded protections for whistle blowers covered by an anti-fraud law passed following the collapse of energy giant Enron, ruling outside accountants, auditors and lawyers cannot be fired or punished for exposing fraud.") Los Angeles Times, March 4, 2014,0,1883091.story#ixzz2wIeTIHmF "Dahlia, a 20-year department veteran, claimed he was placed on administrative leave on May 15, 2009, four days after he reported that he saw officers beat, choke and threaten a robbery suspect thought to be involved in a 2007 takeover robbery of Porto’s Bakery in Burbank. He sued the city in federal court the following November, while he was still on paid leave, alleging that he was retaliated against for speech that was protected. The city argued that under California law, as a police officer, Dahlia was required to report any criminal misconduct he witnessed... Dahlia was fired in 2010 after city officials accused him of being involved in covering up the alleged misconduct, though Dahlia claimed that fellow officers threatened him to keep quiet. Two months ago, an independent arbitrator in an advisory decision ruled that Dahlia should get his job back." Los Angeles Times, February 26, 2014,0,2928626.story#ixzz2wIuWev9s These Farmers' plants and m.o. bear strange fruit plant guns game your fingerprints false impressions for your roots "Freedom of speech isn't free" my motto in protest of Farmers and their thugs' tactics "You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold" William Jennings Bryant "Right to privacy" protected by constitution as judged by Supreme Court "Rule of law, not rule of corporate jaw and insurance claws" -on farmers insurance corporate slander and set ups "It's not what it looks like... it's what it can be made to look like" -movie Edge of Darkness, on what the corporation he was exposing for their crimes would do to his reputation "Well you had better decide whether you're hanging on the cross or banging in the nails." -movie Edge of Darkness response to his friend that both knew it was obvious that he came over to betray him By the time farmers insurance and its goons, thugs, and sell-outs are done, you will deny me more than three times... so at least get your 30 pieces of silver and make those corrupting, deceptive, game-playing deceivers pay; don't be the corrupted or manipulated idiot that helps slander me and create distance between me and others for free. Top frequency of false friend actions: Nck: portraying as if gay to family, tells my brother in double meaning about guys getting closer than two guys should be while my brother and I are in room talking in private, after which when he leaves my brother feels compelled to ask me to back my chair cause I'm too close, understandable discomfort after the statements by nck. Nck asks my dad if he'll get and feel real comfortable if he goes ahead and has a one on one chat (again right before he leaves), my Dad answers him "no, I ain't gay." Asks me my political views on legislation allowing kids to declare based on comfort where to use bathroom, to which I said I don't have strong opinions on that, I suggested let the doctors handle it and provide notes,when there's a good reason for it. Frequent tactics, calling or implying gay before he leaves to cause discomfort and distance between straight male family members. Eagerly coordinates communicates with nck and Vnessa at this time. Jnnifer: rushes over to fill sisters and Dad and others with negative thoughts and spin, drawing contrasts to claim others not doing the good acts of cleaning or waking up early enough, to attack the my virtue when I visit. Spins ever statement I text to young sister in which she was caught red-handed and young sister even asks her to back away, but slander process continues to wear away. Coordinates with my ex & admits to now seeing me as not having been around and being closer to vnessa and later denies having made this false history. Td: slanders me to other guys in group by selection of details, even reminding a mutual long time acquaintance of selection of things I said while sleepy or a time I was hit by a rock during a slander and baiting process in which he, like jns ex vent out verbally some of the false implications I otherwise don't heat or know about in such detail how widespread it's gotten. Dnny & Vnessa l-Perez & Nvas-Cbrera-Pérez Family: frequent source of much hands on work slander, implying, mocking, peer-pressuring, misquoting, miss-attributing, dissembling, false causes, imagery, starting in late 2010 and early 2011 coinciding with farmers insurance force out mobbing and slander tactics. " 5. Zurich Financial Services (Farmers) Zurich Financial Services The Zurich Financial Service (Farmers) is the 5th largest car insurance company in the world. It’s a Swiss-owned personal lines property and casualty insurance group which provides home-owners insurance, auto insurance, life insurance and financial services. It has its headquarter in Los Angeles, California. ""

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