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My name is Kassidy, obviously. But call me Kassie, or Kass. I'm a free sprit, and sometimes a dare devil. I have 4 siblings: Kylie, Kelsey, Kody, and Kory. I also have 3 nephews, and a niece. I have the best friends anyone could ask for! ❤ I'm a people pleaser. And I don't hate anyone unless they've done something to me. And yeah, I believe in God, and no one can change that. ❤


  • Madrid High School

Favorite saying

  • "'You shoot me down, But I wont fall, I am titanium.' 'You don't expect me to be fine, and I don't expect you to care.' "All our dreams can come true, only if we have the courage to go after them" -Walt Disney"

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