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I love reading, and I'm not picky about genre as long as it doesn't put me to sleep. I do tend toward star wars, high fantasy and Japanese ligh novels though. I love playing tabletop games such as Pathfinder, x-wing miniatures, and Imperial Assault. It's more of a social experience than a need to win. That doesn't mean I don't try to win, I learn from failure and try to cull as much information about y opponent as I can. I love all manner of video games, but I don't usually try new games on a whim, I need a friend to recommend it to me, or else it needs to have had a perfect 10 rating. I have a sense of priority. I'd gladly sacrifice video games for the sake of progress. This will sound odd, but I also like to bake cakes/pies while watching movies in French. I LOVE CHEESE!! (just not cottage cheese--eww!) Running while listening to music helps me unwind. If if it's not Disturbed, Kamelot, Sabaton or Blind Guardian, it's probably boss-battle music to some video game. (I like various classical music, and Disney music too, they just don't get me as pumped as Metal) I love anime (just not the inappropriate stuff). Above all the most important thing to me is self-improvement--you know, advancing my situation in life; whether that means studying for some entrance exam or whatever else. I try to seize opportunities. I try to go on dates too, it just a very steep learning curve.


  • BYU
  • Monroe Community College
  • Churchville- Chili High School

Favorite saying

  • ""Pull down your pants, and slide on the ice" --Sidney Freedman; MASH"

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