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im usually seeming like as my friends say "stone" xD but im not im just chill and if im not chill im slightly hyper and im really cool to talk to and im a gamer awesome and im so hyper most of the time im actually chill


  • Western New Mexico University
  • Deming High

Favorite saying

  • ""The source of man's unhappiness is his ignorance of Nature. The pertinacity with which he clings to blind opinions imbibed in his infancy, which interweave themselves with his existence, the consequent prejudice that warps his mind, that prevents its expansion, that renders him the slave of fiction, appears to doom him to continual error." - Baron d'Holbach tradition is the enemy of progress do i sense a little hostility you owe me some flowers mista XD MOMMA NO!!!!!!! Where's my Willie Carlton? I can't find my Willie all good times must come to an end----but why? im rick james bitch"

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