Not much to say. The only thing that has changed about me, is the MMA thing, I am enjoying, but with bad knees and at 30 I don't plan on competing against guys younger than I am... Otherwise, that is it.
- Cumberland Regional High School
Favorite saying
- ""Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." - Moses, Leviticus. Engraved on the Liberty Bell.
"I've wined and dined with kings and queens and I've slept in alleys and dined on pork and beans..."- The American Dream Dusty Rhodes
"Just when you have all the answers, I change the questions."- 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper
"In this present crisis government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem. From time to time we been told that society has become too complex to be managed by self rule, that government by an elite group is superior, to government for, by, and of the people."- Ronald Reagan
Fix reason firmly in her seat and question everything. Take no man's singular opinion. Question the very existence of God, for if there be a God, He must surely rather honest questioning over blindfolded fear. - Thomas Jefferson
"If we lose freedom here there is no place to escape to this is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people that it has no other source of power but the sovereign people is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of mans relation to man."- Ronald Reagan
When men are irritated, and passions inflamed they fly hastily and cheerfully to arms. - George Washington
The founding fathers, Ronald Reagan, the Bible, can you tell I am a conservative...? I think so..."