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  • NADC
  • North Country Union High School Newport, VT

Favorite saying

  • "*looking for love starts within one's self, as soon as you realize this, you can live a happy fulfilling life... by doing so, you will find peace within your soul. only by doing this will you move onward towards life and not just living... *look not to the Meaning of One's Self Worth... but to the Horizon of the Stars... where Light Transcends over the Shadow of Nothing... for only Nature's True Resonance, Radiates through All... *SAPLINGS OF THE FOREST FLOOR As the little boy wiped the sleep from his eyes, yawning and stumbling from the bed, to the sweet breath of bacon from his mother’s cast iron he walked. And as his father dropped and then rattled the salt over the pepper on the boy’s little sister’s eggs, he anticipated his turn with every shake. As breakfast neared its end, so to was the emptiness of his previous day’s fun. The father and son, dressed and full, neared the door to step into their workload for the day. As the door knob turned, the sister with all that she mustarded, spoke softly to join them. Father’s like they are, couldn’t let their little daughters weep. For sisters and brothers, although different, long for being with fathers. Off to work, to make the pay, for logging is not for the weak or weak hearted. For the young want to grow older, and the older longing to live forever young. Now at the yard, at the hard part, tires turn mud into limbs. As the wood piled up and the forest fell lower, the brother and sister began to feel why father grew tired at night. When the sun fell low and the breeze brushed the sweat from their young faces, the siblings were eager to see their mother. As the last diesel engine turned off, and the last chainsaw grew quiet, the day had finally ended. Father laughed as he and his coworkers parted their ways from the workday. For if you can laugh after a hard day of work, father uttered, the work was worth it. Not all work is hard, and not all hard work is fun, but working for your family’s health and well-being, means you do what you have to. By the hand or by the pen, father explained, supporting one’s family and helping out one’s friends, means we are all family to the end. As the brother and sister neared home, the old truck engine purring with content, both flew from the cab to meet mother at the door. When asked what they did during the day, the sisters-tired eyes lit up with emotion. Daddy moved mountains and brother got to help. I on the other hand learned the importance of working hard and being mindful of one’s surroundings. For when trees grow tall and strong, they also fall slow and rumble tirelessly. When trees grow and die, so too will saplings grow in their place. Daddy says to live is not to prosper, but to prosper from living, is to teach all who need it. especially to those who think they don’t need it. The little girl’s mother, with joy in her heart, hugged the little girl with never ending love. The little boy, who knew he was next, anticipated his mother’s question. Mother, not wanting to sound like a little boy anymore, I learned that father works especially hard so that we can have bacon and eggs in the morning. Mountains are big, and the trees that make the mountains, are the roots that mountains survive for. Astonished from his answer, head and eyes turned slightly from a response that she never knew was coming, she kissed his forehead. Now it was the father’s turn. As they walked inside, boots at the door, jackets on the hooks, the smell of cabbage and ham flew through the air with soft buttery notes of enlightenment. The mother looked at the father, love and trust all through her being, and how was your workday? The father, with a tired voice and powerful heart, spoke with honesty. I got to spend the entire day with the loves of my life. My day was hard, but with every limb and with every log and with each load, I never faltered. I showed our kids how easy it is to go to work for one’s family. No matter what work you do, how intense it may turn out to be, honesty, integrity, with truthfulness leading the way, being with family is my goal. The mother, with joyful tears nearing to fall, asked the father where he learned all his knowledge of being a great teacher. I, as the father leaned in to kiss his wife, am not a great teacher. for I am a great student. my greatest teacher, kissing her tender lips, will always be my love for our family. For that is the greatest lessen taught from my greatest fear. The fear of losing, teaches that the unknowing is not so bad after all. After the smell of supper lingered no more, kids in bed and lights down low, father pulled mother in for another kiss. As they drifted off to sleep, soon will their family grow even more. * To be Broken, is Not to be Lost... being Whole, is Not being Complete... Finding one's Inner Peace, Does Not mean that you have Lost the Turmoil of Life's Vitality... Life is Living... Life at it's simplest, is just Pushing Onward, no matter what that direction will bring you... * The Ignorance of one's self Intelligence... Should Never Speak Louder than the Importance of Scientific Reliance... Nor Shall It's Tone Strike It Softer... * Nature, Whom One Speaks openly and softly with... sometimes makes you listen with your eyes... only after, will you see vibrations of one's soul flowing from within us All... * The Gravity of the Mind, Compares to Nothing when Interpreted with one's Soul... * Distinguish Life from Living... for only at that Moment will you Grasp the Magnitude of Love from Listening... * love in it's fullest meaning... Embrace all that's memorable... Plan great adventures... Remember life's journey... Never forget heartaches... Bathe in all that is warm... Shiver from the great vastness of eternity... Realize the message isn't surrounded by the bottle, but by the ocean of adventure... * Live your own damn life... Love to help others in theirs... Walk your own path... Make your own way... Let other's help when needed... Depend on people who depend on you... Piss off the people who need it... Help the one's who need it more... * Life.... perspective of one's outer layers.... leads the way in which we see our true inner layers as we journey through life's many thresholds.... live today plan tomorrow never forget about yesterday all you have is this moment in time...... try looking through all the difficulties, all the hardships, all the rough outer layers......for it's only then that you will see the happiness and excitement of something great..... you may never know what you are missing when you don't give something or someone a chance in just might be some of the happiest times of your life..... some people say....try putting yourself in someone else's shoes for a day and you might see the world in a different perspective....i just wish someone would wear my boots for a week so i can have a vacation..... to all those who live to love..... to those who love to live..... all the one's with so called class..... especially to all the one's who say kiss my ass..... i say hell ya.................... for the time is near...... this year has come......... to live, love, laugh....... to just raise hell....... to have a good time...... to have a great time...... to get drunk..... to get your groove on..... to get your.............................. you know what on......... yee ha.....hell ya...... oh hellllllll yaaaaaa............ summer is here........ let the parties start....... the weekends roll...... waited all winter....... to see you....... to hear you....... to feel your warmth...... summertime...... just gotta love it......... friends, lovers and believers........... come one, come all....... it's here for the taking........ come and get yours....... i'm taking mine...... the charcoal's hot...... the beer's cold..... the coolers full...... the bonfire's bright........ just say the word....... see you there................................ *as the old saying goes: there's a fork in the road, do you go right, which leads you to walking off a cliff to certain death... do you go left, which leads you falling over a waterfall to your demise... what do you do...? most people would choose the road more traveled... some would say take the road less traveled... well I pick the middle of the fork, the path that's never traveled... why you may ask... well the middle is the trail never taken, leads to the middle of nowhere... but at least in the middle of nowhere you have a fighting chance for survival... choose your own path, never be a follower, never let people make your decisions... be your own person, be you, be a fighter, never give up, NEVER GIVE IN..."

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