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Ryan Callahan

  • male
  • In a relationship


I like to skate board, listen to music, playing video games, running, watching t.v. comeing up with comedy songs and whatever i feel like

Languages used

  • American English


  • Chemeketa Community College
  • Stayton High School

Favorite saying

  • "He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened. LOLbunniez! My girlfriend TOTALLY screams just like this! Well, she's not really my "girlfriend", just a good friend from school. Well, she's not really a good friend, she's just a girl at my school Ok, yes she is a "schoolgirl", but I don't go to her school cause I'm sort of 42. Ok, the restraining order specifically states I can't make her scream like that any more. I've kind of lost my train of thought, but I think my original point was she TOTALLY screams just like this! hiding behind a vagina doesnt always mean you cant be touched..kick a man in his balls or slap him needlessly, whats to stop her from hitting a kid?...should of tazed her, tied her up naked at the schoolyard flagpole and let everyone throw condoms full of sperm at her as everyone squealed with joy seeing her humiliated.. best part? she's tough yelling and slapping, he gives her a good smach and she cries like a little hooker that didnt remember to leave the pickles off my sandwich!"

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