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Well for starters my name is Michael! I am 30, I'm a great guy so I've been told! I love my beautiful wife Heather and my handsome Lil'Prince Damon! I love my family and my four legged children! I also like hanging out with friends! I like being out in the country, with bud light and bonfires! I love guns and knives! I like big trucks, low riders, and hot rods! I love music! I'm grateful to the people in my life that know me and love me for who I am! I will never be what society believes to be normal I am my own person with my own personality and beliefs! You can not change me for I am who I am and if I want to change I will! If you can except me for who I am even when I am my weird self then we can possibly be friends!


  • Guilford Technical Community College
  • Page High

Favorite saying

  • "Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together."

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