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I also like optical illusions, origami, origami for kids, owning an antique car, paintball, painting, palmistry, paper crafts, papermache, papermaking, parachuting, paragliding, people watching, pet adoption, pets, photo rating, photography, physical exercises, piano, pinochle, playing cards, playing music, playing team sports, pottery, puppetry, pyrotechnics, quilting, r/c boats, r/c cars, r/c helicopters, r/c planes, radios, rafting, railfans, reading, reading to the elderly, relaxing, renting movies, rescuing abused or abandoned animals, rice sculpture, riddles, riding motorbikes, river rafting, robotics, rock and mountain climbing, rock collecting, rockets, rocking aids babies, running, sailing and boating, saltwater aquariums, sand crafts, sand sculpting, scale modeling, scrapbooking, scuba diving, sculpting, sewing, shark fishing, shopping, singing in choir, singing lessons, skateboarding, skeet shooting, sketching, sky diving, skydiving, sleeping, smoking pipes, snorkeling, snow skiing, snowboarding, soap making, soccer, social networking, socializing with friends, socializing with neighbors, space exploration, speed skating, spelunkering, spending time with family, stained glass, stamp collecting, star astronomy, stars watching, storytelling, string figures, sudoku puzzles, sun tanning, surf fishing, surfing, swimming, taming wild animals, tattoos, tea tasting, tennis, tesla coils, tetris, textiles, texting, tombstone rubbing, tool collecting, toy collecting, train collecting, train spotting, travel, traveling, traveling and exploring exotic countries, treasure hunting, trekkie, tutoring children, tv watching, underwater photography, urban exploration, vacations, video games, volunteer, walking, warhammer, watching sporting events, watercolor paintings, whitewater rafting, windsurfing, wine making, wood carving, woodworking, working in a food pantry, working on cars, writing, yoga, yoyoing, exaggerating

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