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i live in a rural area, but we do live in a nice sized town. I raised 5 boys, I'm 5 years older then my second husband, we are a blended faimily. I had 2 sons and he had all rights to 2 sons also. shortly after we were togeather I concieved our5th. We had them from the ages of 14, 13,7,6,and a baby. Things where going pretty well in our lives for several years. my husband was an instrutor at a community colloge. and I was ass. managers at a convenint store,then I got a great job working in a video store, just loved it,and on top of that I get offered the asst. managers job with wanting me to later take over the store I was workinging in.How much better can it get right? Well guess what after working there for about 8 mon. I began to get sick. not anything you could exsplan to a doctor"that made any scence" hearing phones ringing when there is none bells ringing and theres no bells.whisiling noises in my ears. doctor send me ever bisate, heart kidney vaisicular ear, nose, thoat.After putting me though every grouling test they could thing of. H e finally tells me and my husband he has no idea what is wrong. the only thing he can do is sit an appointment with a neurologist. I said bing go thats what i'VE BENE SAYING ALL ALONG IT IN MY HEAD. I had a very complrecated I'm disabled. but do very wll because they said I"d die or be in a nursinsing home. a veg. Not me I'm doing wonderful. may have lost posstions, but I have much more with faimily and grand children. and I still can do a lot. It just shows don't take anything for grand.


  • Atlantic Community High School1970
  • Atlantic Community High School

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