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I'm a young man trapped in an old man's body. I got married to the most awesome woman on July 10th, 2010. I also gained the most absolutely perfect step daughter that can make me smile at the worst of times. To add to the list of my favorite girls, I have a boxer and a rat-chi (rat terrier / chiuaua mix). So, the list, of my favorite girls in my life, consist of Ashly K. Moore, Kayla Mackenzie Harrison, Kahlua, and Jezibelle. There are more on the list, like my mama and my sister, but the first four are my life. On August 9th, 2011, God delivered us a son to complete our little family, and we named him Owen Hardy Moore. To add a cherry on top, we were blessed to add our boxer, Silas, to our family. Oh, and I'm almost forgetting Mr. G, short for Gin Blossom, our Guinea Pig that we adopted after his original human realized he was a Needless to say, I am an extremely blessed man!!! Now, enjoy the show �


  • Auburn University at Montgomery
  • Faulkner University
  • Southern Union State Community College

Favorite saying

  • "That's Right!!!!!!! It is what it is....."

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