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I'm 31,I have a 14 year old son who is in seventh grade this year.I'm in a relationship with( AJ) Aron Greer and have been for 17 years now.I LOVE AJ!!I have a 8 years old niece Callie.I have an older sister Christina Lassiter and a younger sis Cassie Upchurch aka Cassie Maiko.Mine and AJ's Anniversary is October 29.The first time we talked was Oct.25,2001.Then he asked me out Oct.29,2001 in the gym at Greenbrier High.I was pregnant my 11th grade yr of high school and had my son at 17 yrs old on April 15,2004.I graduated high school in May of 2005 and my son was at my graduation he was 13months old at the time and now he is 14 and growing up way to fast.On April 27th 2013 A.J. Greer and I had a beautiful wedding at his grandmothers in nashville.Now I'm Crystal Greer.Well thats the story about me.


  • Greenbrier High School
  • Greenbrier High School

Favorite saying

  • "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!LOL!!! Don't drink the water the fish have sex in it!LOL!!!!"

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