laid back and down to earth <3
Favorite saying
- ""So Young.......Do you want to be the big spoon or the little spoon?"
"Molly Weasley: Not my daughter you bitch!"
"You would have loved it, baby bird. I don’t care what universe I’m in; Dick Grayson likes redheads. Especially hot, begging ones"
"Drug Lord: You wanna die?! There's easier ways to kill yourself!
Red Hood: Yea like yelling at the guy who's holding the AK47......"
"Riddle Me This......What's Green and Purple, but covered in Red and Yellow?........Me.....When I land on your sorry butt!"
"Twenty rounds a second and you're still too slow!"
"You know what I missed most about running with you?........The Toys."
"I hacked the motion sensors!"
"You're overwhelmed...Freeze was underwhelmed...why isn't anybody ever just whelmed?"
"If dislike is the opposite of like.....is disaster the opposite of aster?"
"Clearly you're not feeling the aster. What's wrong?"
"Feeling the aster?"
"It's not a fetish. It's a way of life.""