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Del Ak

  • male
  • Single


My names Dc. Im currently 22 years old and i live in hampstead maryland. I start my classes at ITT Tech in septmember for Computer Networking Systems. I spend most of my time writing, drawing, and chillin with my friends and family. Life has been hard for me but now that im back in maryland where i should have been in the first place, with all the support i now have things have been going very smoothly. Theres too much about me to really explain for you to even try to understand so you would just have to get to know me. Im working on being more positive and working towards making myt life better and im getting there step by step. Im gratefull to be back where im at now and to have the people in my life that i do. I miss some people from north carolina and a couple in south carolina and would love to see them but right now at this point in life im exactly where i need to be. If you wanna get to know me then just hit me up. This clock ticks. Ticks away at what time i have left. Each second passing as another memory captured by my eyes like pictures embeds itself into the back of my mind. Locked away so deep they can never be recalled again. I once liked it this way, seeing as how they were unwanted. But now, now i wish for them to stay as so many new ones have been created. Many more to come as well. I once hated this clock, thinking it does nothing but tick to remind me it's slowly running out. I hated that time moved so fast, changing everything around me every time i blinked my eyes. Leaving everything i once new behind. Now, now i welcome each passing second. I finally realized i was always looking at the clock with blind eyes, reading it with sadness and hate. I look at it now with only happiness and faith. Faith that things can do nothing but change for the better. I see these changes i've always searched for, no longer afraid of them. I can hear this clock ticking. Ticking now only to count each memory created, loving every second of it. I enjoy this clock, gratefull that it has opened my eyes to the truth of life. By: Delon Cammack


  • ITT Technical Institute Owings Mills, Maryland
  • Mauldin High School

Favorite saying

  • ""Success is the best revenge" :Cognito Together we are a powerfull force as one mind, body, and soul. Let no evil enter nor attempt to reduce us because of the beliefs we hold. And with this love, combined with our strength, we ward of pain and stress. Technician i am wholeheartedly in life and in death. Technicians pledge."

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