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I am married and a mother of two and my real passion is helping people find freedom from drug & alcohol abuse. If you were to know two things about me they would be; I am a defender of the weak and a country girl to heart. I truely beleive your past does not determine your future! And the love of Jesus Christ can heal any wound.


  • Marysville High School, ca

Favorite saying

  • ""Wise Is the Person Who Wrestles With Self Awareness" "All that is required to see a positive change is a decision" "The Most I can do for my friends is simply be their friend" "He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed. Proverbs 13:20 "The Wisest Thing to do is Pause, before you Respond" "Whatever you don't deal with, will eventually deal with you or your children and grand-children""

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