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Founder and President/CEO of Women's Resources, Inc.


  • DeVry University
  • Training Inc. of Atlanta

Favorite saying

  • "G. "Sometimes, we can get really sad about a life change.. or a closed door, especially if it's unexpectant. The truth is.. most likely, you wouldn't have closed that door yourself. GOD had to close it FOR you because you thought you really needed "it"-- but all you really need is HIM & "it" was time for that season to END. Your perspective is LIMITED. God sees what you cannot see. Then, when you understand that... He can open the right door. Then, you really understand that life isn't about all this fluff, but it's about knowing Him & accomplishing the purpose He gave you. Through that.. you'll have this crazy, amazing.. JOY that you have never experienced before and no closed or open door will be able to change that daily.. internal peace. Trust God-- no matter what you see." R. "God will never give you the wrong person. When someone leaves you, it's God trying to save you. Rejection is God's protection!" A. " singleness won't last forever, but your marriage will If you let God be your match maker!!" C. "Today I detach myself from all fears, disappointments, feelings of lack, any unforgiveness, and uncertainty. I am going after my dreams!! I am going to be the most amazing person I have ever been thus far in my life. I'm walking in the favor of GOD!! It's going to be a GREAT DAY because I CHOOSE to make is so!!" E. "The devil wants you to worry about what's NEXT so you can't enjoy what's NOW. The devils a liar!! GOD is GOOD!!!""

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