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me in a nutshell: "to her love means finding the one person on the planet who understands the misery of life as deeply and fully as you do, and then can talk to you about it." --alex blumberg "you were once wild here. don't let them tame you." - isadora duncan "and those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." -nietzsche


  • University of North Texas

Favorite saying

  • ""to her love means finding the one person on the planet who understands the misery of life as deeply and fully as you do, and then can talk to you about it." --alex blumberg "stand back, boys! we're gonna light the lantern!" --camp owner's crazy father "not all who wander are lost" --j.r.r. tolkein "sad? zero. disappointed? hmm...maybe a quart" --cassanova, season 8 "i made this happen in my artistic ability." "there is only one ambition that anyone on that planet ever had, and that was to leave" --douglas adams, mostly harmless"

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