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Tim Whited

  • male
  • Married


I graduated from Genoa Area High School in 2007. Since then i have been working at a few different places.I work at Yarder Manufacturing in Toledo and also, joined Allen- Clay Joint fire District in December of 2008 and have had a blast ever since! I am going to Owens and majoring in Criminal Justice. I'm not sure if I want to be a fire fighter or a cop. We'll see where things go from here on out. I like fishing in the summer and hunting in the winter. I like to have several bon fires a month, they give me a chance to wind down after a long week. Camping and backpacking are always fun and plan on doing more of them this summer too.

Favorite saying

  • "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, but never absence of fear. (Mark Twain)"

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