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I am a creative genius who frequently talks to walls. Not that I really talk to walls but, figuratively speaking, it seems that way. I write books that are designed to help people and to expose government corruption. Problem is, some people do not want help and others prefer to stick their heads in the proverbial sand. IN one book, I touted Hecla Mining stocks (if you must play the markets). Pretty much, any metals/mining stock is good as there is such a limited amount of metal on this ball of dirt and, as we multiply, so does the demand for metals. And we all know that a war will place an extreme burden on the supply. And, when the feds finally get around to the gold standard (as they did during the last depression), it will shoot up more. Incidentally, I reccommended buying Hecla less than six months ago (when it was trading at 5 bucks). It has doubled since then. And my broker cautioned me against penny stocks. I purchased thousands of shares of ZAAP at 10 cents a share. Recently, it topped 1.50 a share. I liked ZAAP because it produces electric cars and other vehicles. They have merged with other such companies in China and elsewhere to build an infrastructure for those vehicles. While we sit on our butts finding oil, they are switching to electric substations, etc. You know what I call that? JOBS!!! If our government was not so corrupt, giving our hard-earned bucks to rich Jews and Italians on Wall St., not to mention the thieves at GM and the damned Teamsters, we would have jobs. I puke every time I hear the word Volt (GM's new electric car that costs 60,000). Who can afford one? And of all the milionares who could buy one, who will? When Obama first got into office, I sent him letters begging him to switch to electric cars. Zap sells them for ten grand each...a far better deal than the bandits at GM. And much better than giving rich thieves on Wall St. hundreds and hundreds of billions of our dollars. I, of course, was visited by Homeland Security who advised me to shut up or they would frame me for something or lock me in the nut house. Heil frickin' Hitler. I used to be proud to be an American. Not any more. We have been taken over by foreigners who come here and wave their damned flags as if this were their Right. If I had my way, we would lock up every politician in this county for affiliating themselves with the Jews and Italians on Wall St. (and elsewhere). Let's get off of politics. Scumbags. My work on Astrophysics is amongst the best out there. I figured out numerous formulas for calculating solar wind, planetary motion, and the harmonic resonants that will cause the smaller celestial bodies to tumble into the sun next couple years. I do not believe in a force of attraction. It is an illusion accepted by those who do not understand jet propulsion. In jet propulsion, a rocket will only fly if it has a little feature called a nozzle. This nozzle focuses power, or energy if you will, that propels one body towards another. If you look at a planet' magnetic field, especially Earth, you will see this energy manifest in the same pattern as that expended behind a rocket. All motion is contingent on that which we call light. Look at a radiometer. It spins because there is an increase in light on one side of the panels while, simultaneously, decreasing the light on the other. This creates a net force which is directional. And the device rotates. This principle also applies to planets. A planet only rotates if it has a moon. In the case of the big four, these being Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, they have more than fifty moons each. And they rotate at tremendous speeds because of that. Ignorant scientists postulate that moons keep the same face towards their hosts because of gravitational attraction. Bull. They keep the same face towards the host because of the dispersal of light. Light reflected by the moon results n a net force which rotates our planet. Conversely, because of the Earth's larger surface area, light reflected by the Earth hits the moon's suface evenly and there is no net force. Attraction? Bull.


  • Lane Community College
  • I.T.T.technical insitute
  • Chemeketa Community College Foundation
  • Dallas High School
  • William P Lord High School
  • Churchill High School

Favorite saying

  • "But What the hell do I know? The truth shall stand alone."

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