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I suck at telling my own stories, so just get to know me. At some point I'll start rambling about my life stories and etc. etc. etc... I guess I'm just like an old man... That's as best as I can sum me up. My more memorable nicknames: Afro (Afroman, Afro Puffs, Puffs), Cholo, Gustav, Portero, Buffon, Memo, Oswaldo, Ronaldinho, Chuy or Chuyito, Jebitigus, Genie, Jesus (geezuhs), Jebus, El Gato, Fluffy, Rich Boy or Richie Rich, Naraku, Q-tip, Chucho, Daredevil, Geisha, Mop, Gordo, Giant, Sephiroth, Saix Puppy, Bassist, Mexican Ray Charles, Jenny(only Jamie can call me this >:P ), Bernal, Beast, Dragon, Rambo, and Jigglypuff. (Still acquiring more...) ... Languages I speak: Spanglish(very fluently:b), English, Spanish, conversational French, very little Russian and Japanese, starting Portugese and Italian. Languages I want to learn: Italian, Nahuatl, Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, German, Hindi, Hebrew, Portuguese, Latin and... SCREW IT!!! ALL OF THEM!!!


  • Northwest Technical Institue

Favorite saying

  • "------------------------------- "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you declare bound on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you declare loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven." - Jesus of Nazareth, God the Son ------------------------------- "We can NOT look at the past through the lens of today. By doing so we will only see all the flaws. By doing so we do not "understand" anything about those times. I bet anything 50-100 years from now people will look back on our times and consider us to be barbaric. Street gangs...children gunning children down in the street. Drugs, abortions, wars. For our generation being so "civilized" you do not have to do more than simply go out to the streets to see modern day barbarism. If you wish to judge history you must use the proper lens for viewing it. Otherwise you will forever have a faulty understanding." - Anonymous Facebook user ------------------------------ "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." ------------------------------ "'Sexual experience is not theoretical, but irreducibly personal.' Right there you've nailed it. Not only is it irreducibly personal, it's bound to intimacy, and therefore not relatable to trial and error analogies. Ideally sex is the means of a pure expression of love, not an ends to be worshiped in and of itself as you put it. When it's with the one you love and have committed your life to, you're inherently 'playing at the masters'. Treating it recreationally traps you in the pitch-and-putt." - YouTube commenter ------------------------------ "We have one life to live, this is no dress rehearsal, and this is that life." - Congressman Cummings ------------------------------ Don't judge people by hearsay, or first impressions. Judge, don't condemn, them by their personality. Their actions. ------------------------------ Don't follow the crowd, make your own path in life. ------------------------------ "I'll show you the truth!"- Obito Uchiha ------------------------------ "If you livin' in a house with yo mama, yo mama owns you! And if you disrespect yo mama, it's time for you to get out!" - student from "World's Strictest Parents" ------------------------------ "Oh from this moment forth my thoughts be bloody! Or be nothing worth!" - Hamlet ------------------------------ "A rebellion will solve nothing, if it is led by blind, ignorant passion. People have to be educated, if they are to rise out of poverty, and legitimately bring justice to corrupted authorities. Otherwise, each revolution will reach the same dead end, and the cycle will continue." ~YouTube commenter ------------------------------ "Show me your strength." - Sephiroth ------------------------------ No matter what, love always prevails. ------------------------------ There lies before us, if we choose, continual progress in happiness, knowledge, and wisdom. Shall we, instead, choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels? We appeal to human beings as human beings: Remember your humanity and forget the rest. If you can do so, the way lies open to a new paradise; if you cannot, there lies before you the risk of universal death. - Bertrand Russell -------------------------------------------------------------------- Put on the holy armor of God, that you can stand against the the Devil's schemes. -------------------------------------------------------------------- "When you have the strength you have to help people, not bully somebody." ~ "Jackie" Chan Kong-sang -------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip. ~Jonathan Carroll, "Outside the Dog Museum" -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady: Do you have any idea what's out there?! Goku: Sure, bad guys. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninja Murasaki: (under water, thinking) You'll never find me down here. I am incognito. I am like the fish, clever as the shark. I'm one with the water. Hey, GO AWAY FROG!!! ------------------------------- Vegeta: Time to say goodbye to your planet Kakarot! Goku: Well that's not very nice! Vegeta: OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M F****ING EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GALIC GUN!!!! Goku: Oooh! Did he say garlic?! Vegeta: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Goku: Oh boy! -------------------------------- Armando: Man, I thought college students were supposed to be more mature. Me: Who the hell told you that?!"

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