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well, that is a complicated subject. i am the one that my mother asked god for and she got me alright. she is the best mom in the world. i have 3 children and i love them so very much. i would die for them a slow and painful, stressful and mentally anguished death. oh sorry, got to deep there. i have alot of great ideas and i have a talent with ppl. i am a nurse so far and a damn great one. i speak fluent spanish of which i am proud of. i have overcome alot of obstacles in my life and have survived everyone of them. i have found that i work better when i have something to fight for. i am very giving but just damn give out. i believe in honesty. i belive that one day i will live my dream. i believe that giving natural child birth is alot less painful than raising them. raising children is lilke being plucked to death by chicken. thank god my last three feathers are named caleb, grace and hannah and its rooted to deep in my heart.

Favorite saying

  • "1) hell hath no fury on a woman scorned. P.S. no worries, just dont mess with my babies and all is well. 2) what goes around comes back around. worse! and you will be able to see it. 3) karma's a bitch.4) whats love got to do with it?, thanks tina"

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