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I am a secular humanist, that is I believe that it is up to humans to improve the human condition. I do not believe that there are any deities that are interesting in us or acting on our behalf. I was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for over twenty years and feel culturally connected even though I am now an atheist. I continue to be very interested in religion and examining the Christian texts for a better linguistic and cultural understanding of what the Bronze Age authors meant. I am also interested in the progression of religioun from Semetic to Greek and Latin to Goth and English. The whole history of western religion interests me. Words are my thing. I tend to disect what people post to better understand what they mean based on what they actually wrote. There are frequently problems with the misuse of words to make the unreal appear real. I am a confused social libertarian democrat. My natural tendency to believe that the human benefits most when there is the least government interference and the maximum respect for individual life, liberty and property occassionally comes in conflict with my awareness that we are herd animals and living socially involves a sort of social contract that limits some of our personal liberty and deprives us of some of our personal property. This is especially true as it appears we must, of neccessity, share the finite resources of our planet which nobody can own. A quick visit to my employment history and you will notice that I was once an upwardly mobile business and technology professional. I've been on a downhill slide for a bit over seven years now. I've always been a good employee, I wish I could say the same for some of my employers. My employment future is a bit cloudy at the moment.


  • Park University
  • Community College of the Air Force
  • Morley Stanwood High School

Favorite saying

  • ""Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler." ~Albert Einstien "If you have to tell a lie to tell the truth, it isn't the truth." ~Myself"

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