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When you are a power couple who hunts and moves in silence people who are miserable will never give up trying to keep track of your every move, your relationship ect. When you laugh it off because ya keep your page on lock down and tell each other everything including who friend requests you lmao Good luck with that Sis ... y'all r not low.... happy stalking tho lol. ________________ The worse thing you could ever do to those that don't wish u well, those that talk about you, those that conspire against you is to completely ignore everything they say, post, or do. Wish them the best and send them on their merry way as the minute you don't you have already lost.... battle ground, control of the situation, and self worth; as you have brought yourself down to their level. That and/or He/She who does not enrich MY life in a positive & productive way simply does not exist!!

Favorite saying

  • ""The Tears you bring forth today you will surely swallow tomorrow" " Muerta la perra, se acaba la rabia" " El que no la debe, no la paga" "Dios las cria y el Maligno las junta" My Personal motto "when all else fail .... borron y cuenta nueva, delete, puff be gone" lol"

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