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Just celebrated 39 years of marriage with my wonderful wife Linda...raised three sons: Daron-Austin, Texas, Tony-Silverton, Oregon and Desi-Mt. Angel, Oregon. Currently have four grand-children: Jillian-6,Aiden-4, Sebastian-2 and Isabella-2 days old. Two more grand childeren on the way sometime in December and January. Linda and I are very close with our sons and their families and do many things together. It is so special watching our grand children grow up in an invironment of love. Linda is still working and is a loan processor with Pacific Residential Mortgage Company... I know she is looking forward to retirement. I'm also still working and will continue for another year or two. I would go nuts if I wasn't working full time. I have lots of vacation time on the books and use it whenever I need to or want to travel. My position as a Deputy with the Marion County Sheriff's Office is still interesting and challenging and has been so for the last 22 years. I enjoy reconnecting with friends and contacts from my past and will continue to do so...Dennis


  • Oregon State University
  • Pilot Rock High School

Favorite saying

  • "Seize the Day..."

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