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Angela Smith

  • female
  • Single


There isnt much to tell.. I've laughed, loved, and lost... but the most important thing I can say I have done.. I've lived.. there arent many people who can say that with any kind of conviction and confidence.. Life isnt about success.. it isnt about conquest.. it isnt about how much money you make or how little you make either.. Life is about taking a chance, taking that blind leap of faith that takes your breath away and leaves your heart pounding.. and ultimately life is about being human.. making mistakes.. making memories.. and enjoying every moment that comes your way..


  • Crowder College
  • Clearfield Job Corps Center
  • Purdy High

Favorite saying

  • "It takes an minute to have a crush, an hour to like someone, a day to love them, and a lifetime to forget them. Life is eternal; love is immortal; death is just a horizon; a horizon is only the end of our sight. - Rossiter W Raymond Your stupidity would be amusing if I didnt have to clean up the mess you made afterwards."

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