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"Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway." John Wayne Life is a funny thing. All that I have really learned in my short time on this earth is that, I would not, could not, survive without my Heavenly Father. "If He didn't love me so much, I'd never make it through" In 2011 I left California and came here to Bozeman Mt, with the thought that a change of scenery would make all my sorrow and pain go away. But, it took a whole semester of isolation and depression to bring me to my knees. At my weakest point, that was when the Lord brought some of the most amazing people into my life. It was through the people at GM (generation ministries) that I was shown the difference between a Christian life and an In Christ life. Trials may come, but I have no worry or fear. For my God has won the war and He is my refuge and my strength.

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