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Well lets see.....right now im 25 years old and im just starting to get my life togather. i just started going to college for welding. im pretty good with my hands so im giving it a shot. i look at it this way when i get done with school and get a job working on rigs or wutever. i bust my ass for a few weeks up to a month. then im off for a few weeks to do nothing but live up life. work a few weeks then play a few weeks. thats fucking perfect for me. gives me time to pack up on my harley and see as much of this country that i can. and stop in all the lil towns along the way and see how wut they got to offer! oh ya and see how much hell i can raise along the way. Pretty much u can say that i live my life on the edge!! im always up to try new things and just see how far i can push the limits.I guess im a adrenaline junkie. i love to have fun and try to make the best out of everything. u only live life once so why waste it. ive learned after 25 years to live life to the fullest and dont take it for granite! Cuz i took life for granite and it turned around and bit me n the ass!! and it fucking hurt too!! lol....alright lets see so far u have learned that im just getting my shit togather,got a plan for my life long job,i like to ride my harley and go new places,im a lil on the wild side!!,i fucked off alot of good things n life!! im a vary out going person! always doing things off the moment and im vary spontaneous. im a people person. always enjoy meeting and hangin out with new people. im not a vary judgemental person. i give "almost" everybody a chance. Except for queers! dont like them fuckers! id give my shirt off my back if someone needed it. i like to help people out when i can. and if i cant i try to give them some bullshit advise that sounds good. haha hope that helped u get to know me a lil more if u already didnt know me. if u wanna know anything else ask me!!


  • Del Mar College
  • Brenham High School

Favorite saying

  • "It is what it is!!"

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