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I have an older sister who is married and has three daughters M'kenzie Natalynn and Gabrielle and Natalynn and Gabrielle are twins I have two brothers who are younger than me. I have alot of older sisters because my sister's friends are like my sisters but there are only two that I really hold close to my heart the first would be Jamie Falvey and I love her daughter Laina and her son Aydon the next would be Brittany Watts and I love her sons Blake and Brantley I lost my Mama in August of '08 six days after my birthday and one day after my little brothers. My best friend is Marion and she is truly amazing. I have the most amazing boyfriend ever :) and then there's my Erica she's my girl to the fullest she's my bestfriend and we've been through so much together :)) and her daughter Emma is amazing :D then there's Cristi and she's a turd but she's my turd lol I love you :DD and then saving the best for last is mama Lori that name sums it up she was my mama's best friend and she stepped up and was there for all the thing I needed my mama for after we lost her ❤️❤️

Languages used

  • American English


  • Copiah-Lincoln Community College
  • Brookhaven High School

Favorite saying

  • "It's sad when people you know become people you knew. When you can walk right past someone like they were never a big part of your life. How you used to be able to talk for hours. And how now, you can barely even look at them. In [three] words i could sum up Everything I learned about life: it goes on. Everything I learned about love: it doesnt last. and Everything I learned about people: they change fast. She's just a silly girl. who keeps her hopes too high & her jeans too low. who lives by quotes & can`t ever seem to say the right thing at the right time. she's just another pretty girl looking for herself in a big world. who just wants someone to love her, & then everything would be alright. I love you to the moon and past the stars and all the way back again"

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