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There is another chapter closing in my life and I have not read ahead to see what awaits me, because I already know the road is going to very long and really hard. So for now I'm just going to take a deep breath and let it out slow. I'm going to lift my head high, straighten my shoulders, and remember to not look back only forward. I have made a choice and now I have to see if I'm as strong as I once believed. I'm going to be the light and shild for my children and show myself just how much hope, love and compassion one person can do during the darkest hours. I am Amy now hear me Roar.

Languages used

  • English language

Favorite saying

  • ""Always keep an eye on what's in front of you, and keep the other looking behind you. That way you'll know where you've been and where your going." -Amy Bryant "It never hurts to wait for the other shoe to drop, that way you can have other plans for when it does." -Amy Bryant Any time the going seems easier, Better check & see if you're not going down hill... If you're not doing something with your life, It doesn't matter how long it is... Most people want to change the world to improve their lives. What a wasted effort. If they would only improve themselves, they would be better off & so would the world... The difficulties of life are intended to make us better... NOT bitter... Never give up, for that is the place & time the tide will turn... Live, love, & grow... The world doesn't stop just because you had a bad day... Why, is not what we always want to know... Sometimes things don't go the way you plan, adjust & try again... Sometimes unexpected things happen, just keep moving forward it'll all turn out in the end... If something has you down, stop & take a hard look & make sure it not you.. "Thank you new beginnings, from which there would be no new starts." Amy Bryant One bad surprise, will bring you a life time of happens... Little fingers and little toes, will help your family grow... "I could be a hell of a lot worse than I am." -Amy Bryant What seems like a bad thing, can become a great thing... Surround yourself with people that are smarter than you, so that you're always leaning something new... Life can change with a blink of an eye, don't loose your head, adjust or die..."

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