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loving my life and everyone in it.. I can be the sweetest person ever but do me wrong and you will lose a great friend. My family and friends are everything to me. I've grown up and realized who is and will always be real to me.When I love, I love hard. When I'm angry, you'll know it, and when I'm happy, I smile. I love to laugh so I'm always being sarcastic and cracking jokes...sometimes just being downright goofy. I don't embarrass easily, and I know how to laugh at myself..What I lack in clarity I more than MAKE UP for with desire. I look up and down but often forget to look straight ahead. I am fond of lazy conversations, daydreams and nostalgia. I try to live like I am always on vacation. I wear my heart on my sleeve, which often gets me in trouble because I also wipe my nose there. I'm like a goldfish in that it takes me a while to adapt to new surroundings especially people. I'm very quiet and self-contained except when I am not and then I'm just trouble. I'm not always nice (maybe I'm never nice) but I am most often kind. Once someone earns my friendship they are not likely to lose it unless of course they do so of their own volition. Some people think I'm lazy, they just lack imagination. I DRINK too much, SMOKE too little and swear just the right amount...let’s hear a big round of applause for balance. I guess you can call me the all around good girl.I have been blessed with a lot more than I can ask for. Although I've had my share of the world I can I've officially not been tainted by it. Therefore...I'm pretty much Optimistic about most things. Lets not get it twisted...It's not one of those "Geez it's sunny out, birds chirping...I feel like skipping through the park kinda optimistic" Although skipping through the park at 3 a.m.....we'll leave that for a journal entry how about that? lol It's FUCK YOU if u get on my is too damn short. Now that being said, pet peeves include insecure people who allow their unfortunate situations to oversee the reality in most things. I also do believe in love and lust being two different things...but taking the time to figure out which is which takes the fun out of it!! Anyway, most of the time "love" is not even what u think it is... 90% of the time it's the idea of being in love that gets most people confused. Who said enemies are a bad thing?...they're the reason we strive for perfection and also a good reason to kick someone's a$$ =) . Granted in life we can't have everything we want only because we wait. When all else fails stop & look who's in front of u and who's behind you because your future will lead you and you past will remind you to keep following...or running whichever pertains to u =) I'm as sweet as can be, honest (Strait Up BLUNT) I'd rather say the truth and speak my mind, than to hold in what I really think and be FAKE or Lie to U--A true friend doesn't tell U what U want 2 hear. They tell U what will be BEST for YOU!!! Don't like back stabbing/gossip B.S.I got 1 face and I’m happy with that one, so I got no need to have another....2face people are just SHAMEFUL! NO NO not here... I’m smart, often sarcastic, got a sense of humor (Oh really do I?), I’m goofy, and like to make people SMILE!! A smile is the nicest reward a friend can give U! Awww! :) I’m just as sweet as U let me be, just Know who U messing with if you mess with me or try bringing some drama my way, I'll make sure to remind you I don't PLAY like that...Im not a I hate being HATED on by shallow chicks, out of ummm i dunno... envy? or simply out of personal issues? Whatever those who know me KNOW I'M JUST THE COOLEST (cutest) mofo down to the socks! So if u got nothing on me...I'll let U have a souvenir If your down 4 a laugh, and a martini then I got nothing but LOVE 4 U! Okay... so THAT’S ALL ME NOW ANY QUESTIONS? I.Love.stars...

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