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Lorraine Williams Banks

  • female
  • In a relationship


My Profile picture is my most favorite picture in the world. The picture is me at 10 years old and my big sister! My school age memories started with attending kindergarten at Angell Elementary School. For part of the first grade I attended Jamison Elementary School. The rest of my elementary memories were spent at Pattengill Elementary School. Loved everything experience I had at Pattengill. Teachers Mr. Love, Mr. Jefferson and Mrs. Ratcliff left very good learning experience memories. Lasting friendships started at Pattengill and my neighborhood. My best friend to this day is Carolyn Shavers Radford. We make it a promise to meet at least one time a month to do what we do best, be loving friends. After Pattengill came Webber Junior High School still good memories, Mr. Prime of course and talent shows, really great talent shows!! Left Webber and things change. Tried Durfee Middle School hated it!!! Went to Burbank Junior High School, very different. Burbank was an open all white school on the far far east side of Detroit. But not a bad experience got along wonderfully with personality!! Graduated from Burbank and the feeding school was Denby High School again not a bad experience, quite wonderful again. Great memories and established another wonderful and lasting friendship, with my other best friend Jeffra Nicholson.


  • Denby Tech/Preparatory High School

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