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I've been through a lot of experiences in my life. I still have the open-minded attitude to want to learn more. And I believe that is what makes me successful, in my eyes. 'A'ohe pau ka 'ike i ho'okahi halau. To many, I may come across as blunt. But those who know me, understand my honesty and sincerity. I have passion for anything I believe in. I have one face, the one you are looking at. I've had speed bumps in my life, but nothing I couldn't overcome. Everyday is a challenge for me, and the opportunites are endless. I am a proud 13-year senior of Kamehameha, and forever grateful for the legacy Princess Pauahi has left behind. Because of that, I vow to be "strong and industrious." I continue my education and act on opportunities to establish myself in society. I have acheivements that I am too humble to mention specifically. I believe I can make a difference, even if it's for one person. Or one person at a time...

Favorite saying

  • "Maika'i ke kalo i ka 'oha. (If the root is good, the plant is good) 'A'ohe pau ka 'ike i ho'okahi halau. (Learning is not done all in one school)"

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