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Super mom of 3 absolutely gorgeous children, AVA Anthony jr. AND Austin. My husband is my life, the air that I breathe. I am a hard working nurse who secretly wishes to run the world! Cheerleading, although some may laugh, has been my life since my early childhood and now I get the pleasure of coaching my own daughters team. I have the BEST group of friends most of which I've had since pre school and I would literally do anything for them. I am proud to be an aunt to many nieces and nephews with whom I would also do anything for!! Family isn't always blood! Things don't always work out the way you plan them, step aside and let life happen. Be the best you can be at all times.

Favorite saying

  • "God, grant me the serenity to change the things I can, accept the things I cant, and the wisdom to know the difference. 6/26/2009"

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