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Hey everybody! I'm Teresa I'm 24 year old and I live in Texas. XD If you met me, I'd be a very quiet person in the beginning, but after I loosen up , I think I'd be a pretty cool person to know. I make random noises and do random things and I might scare the hell out of you, but just join me in the random, okay? Dont leave me hangin. Lol I draw anime, it's what I do on an almost daily basis. I don't have a job though, but I'll fix that at some point. lol I'm lazy. XD Totally not a sports person. Overall, I'm a very silly person. I get it from my family, who drive me insane sometimes, lol. I love my family though. :D They're the coolest, weirdest family you can have. XD You'll understand if you've ever met them. Onto another version of love, I have a boyfriend of 8 years. He's the sweetest person in the world and fuels my energetic randomness as well. If it wasn't for his personality, I'm pretty sure I'd be very lonely and a shut in. I love him and his silly biscuit booty. XD That's all I have for now!

Languages used

  • English language
  • Japanese language
  • Spanish (language)
  • Français


  • Skyline High School

Favorite saying

  • "'biscuit.' - An insult for everything. XD “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” — Emily Bronte"

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