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My 1st job out of U of Montana was running a Health Club called European Health Spa in 1983. Later in '84 the club merged with Family Fitness Centers, A Chain of over 4-500 Health Clubs. I would take summer leave of absense & lived in Vail, Co, helping to Dear Friends start Nova Guides. White water Rafting, guided Fishing, Wilderness tours, ATV rentals, Snowmobiling! To this day Nova is approching it's 30th anniversery soon. They are the greatest year round Guiding Company in Colorado & I was lucky to be aprt of it. Next, Changed my life for the better to this day! I maried my College Sweetheart-Janet Keefer. janet & I are headed to our 28th year of marriage this coming December 29th. We ae best friends, lovers & she is my soulmate & partner for life. After 1 1/2 years of MGR. Health Club's ,I broke out & started my own private Coaching Practice for Pro Athletes, :NFL, NBA, MLB, PGA, & Olympic level athletes. In addition, I also worked with the Movie Industry& with all these type clients it lead to a great 20 year Career with eventually adding local Corporate Wellness Facilities for businesses that wanted their employees to have the fitness Center at the Job site. It had to start at the top to be successful. I was always being asked what equipment & tools I was useing to do this work with no Injuries & Longjevity for the user. I started My Exercise Equipment Deaslership in 11/1/85 & boom I'm in my 27th year based out of Tucson,AZ . My Company's web site in which I serve as Pres/CEO is: My Partner for over18+ year is LaMonte Hunley,V.P. of Operations. He is a U of A alum & former football Standout, That gave us fan's the thrill to watch the greatest Brother(Ricky) linebacker duo for 3 years in the early 80's. LaMonte went on to a 5 year Career in the NFL with the Ind. Colts. Ricky had a 10 Nfl careerwith the:Broncos,Cards & Raiders.They took the key to sucess & brought it into the work place.

Favorite saying

  • "Security is Mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. ""Helen keller"" -- There is only one boss. The Customer & He/She can fire everybody in the Company from the CEo on down simply by spending their money somewhere else!! "Sam Walton" "Lead, follow or , get the Hell out of the way" unknown"

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