Mike Nielsen
- Location: Windsor, Virginia
- Language: en_US
- Phone: (SSG) - LTVXQ - 490
- male
- Single
IDK why I am typing but feel the need. Not to communicate a specific message. Rather to gain relief of thoughts inside. I see things. Great things. Scary thing. My mind though to the outside world seems intact, seems logical thinking. Is so hole heartedly on another plain of enlightenment. Theres so much more to this world then what the general Cattle of society are taught and believe. So many facts. So many lines of distinction that can be made clear if one only opens theirs and realizes how amazing the universe is. And that there isn't some old white guy on a hill watching every move. Pointing a "loving" finger of damnation at them. The entire religious institution was created from few facts blurred by superstition, greed for control. I know a tiny fraction more then most. Because of this revelation into the wide unknown that is our infinite consciousness/awareness. I begin to make connections. To connect the dots to so many things. Not just in my own pursuit upon this frequency plain. But of others. Of worldly affairs. We could be united if only the belief we our powerless were deleted from our thoughts. Thats the real tyrannical entity. Believing we as an individual are powerless to do any thing but fall in line to what and how were being told to live. The fact of the matter. WE ARE POWERFUL!!! We are infinite awareness. We are of one. Cut any human, from any were on the planet, regardless of ethnic background, social class, money bank roll and such... What happens? We bleed the same. Suffer the same. So why I ask do we stand divided when our houses are but feet away. Why do we isolate from one another and recoil into this shell of who we could be. It is time for people to realize we as one could unit into the most amazing utopia. Sadly I do not believe this will happen. Theres so many power structures in place and growing every day to keep us confined to our individual pens. In our designated grazing areas so we are easy to control. It for the most part is not our faults. We just simply blindly believe our schools, media, government are within our best interest and we need to follow with our question. Those who do are rewarded with a life of servitude with only material gains, no real knowledge to speak of and in the end are more isolated then before. Material gains are nice and all. But we have so many choices. Which color, what car, what trim, what woman, what man and so forth. Gives this grand illusion that we have freedom of choice. When in all actuality we are merely choosing one poison to another, one jail cell to the next. Knowledge is power, knowledge is the ultimate reward. For with knowledge you can unite men, woman, children, counties, states, country's, Humanity. So stop loosing your self within this grand matrix of "free choice". Wake up to the chains of bondage you, I, Us endure with. Lets move from there!! This life is short. But we are eternal. Were do you stand? or lay down?