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I realized it's been a long time since I updated on here. It looks like I'm looking at a whole different person at times. I have a loving 6 year old son who is my world. I have a decent enough life... colorful family, a roof over my head, a job to pay the bills... a nice one at that. But sadly at the end of the day I am still the girl that feels lonely in the crowded room. I've learned to accept the fact that although I do appreciate what I have and wouldn't take anything for it... in the back of my mind I've always felt like something was missing. As far as my actual personality... that's a bit complicated. I like things that would classify me as nerd/geek, country, misfit, among other things... labels are not for me. What you see is what you get. The few people I like I would go to the end of the world for. I can give a speech to hundreds of people and still not know what to say to an individual. At my age I still get nervous talking to a guy I like. I still try to look at the world with the wonder of a child. I hate about you sections... it's complex and I'm quite literal lol.


  • Surry Community College

Favorite saying

  • ""Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited but Imagination encircles the world." Albert Einstien Favortie thing to say... Bite me."

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