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I am who I am and that will never change. Whatever bull shit drama you have in your life has no business in mine. What you see is only half of what I am. I have a hundred different faces, a million different personalities. Only a part of me is what I show you. I display a fraction of my true self. Everything is just a fade. Its not the truth of me. You dont know me. you never will. I been through my own trials in life. I know that I don't know everything and accept the fact. But that doesn't stop me from doing and fighting for what I feel is right in life. I debate. I criticize. Sometimes I do it for fun, but other times I do it for the truth in it. You can except me as I am, or you can try to change me. But I am who I am and that will never change.

Languages used

  • American English


  • Grantham University Online
  • University of Phoenix
  • Muncie Southside HS

Favorite saying

  • "-Im not miserable but Im not happy. Im not strong but Im not weak. Im not rude but Im not polite. Im not popular but Im not a loner. Im not sexy but Im not horrid. Im not dumb but Im no genius. Im not you but I am me. Accept it. -For the first time in awhile the stupid smile plastered on my face isnt fake. -When someone tells you, “You’ve changed,” it might simply be because you’ve stopped living your life their way."

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