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Lets see.... I turned 30 In March of 2009, I moved here to Virginia I believe in 1999 from Michigan, Met my Wife in 2002 when I was offered to stay at her house since I was living out of my car at the time, 2yrs later we were boyfriend and girlfriend and in 2006 she became my fiance and than my Wife on September 26th 2009. We have had one miscarriage which broke our hearts and we both became what you call anti social with the world for almost 8-months, We are going to go in for fostering soon to help a child that is not wanted by their parents which is so sad knowing that there are kids out there that their families don't want nothing to do with them and we want to be one of the many families out there that can't have kids of their own to show them there are still people who care and want them.

Favorite saying

  • "Carma... I am a firm believer that if you do someone wrong that wrong will come back to you twice as bad and if you do someone good that good will come back to you twice as well."

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