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I am a Johnson, my father's daughter. I have been married twice and have two wonderful children. I am proud to be a Johnson but I have lost who I was and where I came from. I have spent most of my life living for others, loving those who don't love me back and dealt with being called crazy, a bitch, whore, just to name a few. I am none of those. I am proud of who I am, of how I treat others, and most of all, proud to be my father's daughter. I think he would be proud of me too. Don't let the excuses of others make u question your own self worth. I am who I am, love me as I am, treat me the same way u would want to be treated. Love and respect others in a way so that u are never questioned about your own loyalty and commitment. Sometimes the fault lies within yourself. Today it is not me, it will not be me. I know who I am, I know what I am capable of. Do u?

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