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When apperances fail, ambition and ability will carry the day. Experience has taught me the value of friends and family. Their love has kept me sane in this confusing world. A true friend is something to be treasured; my loyalty is unflinching when they have earned my trust. Those who are closest to me know that I will be there for them, for any reason. My life has had its share of joys, sorrows and mundane moments. There are many things I wish I had done differently. By spending so much time thinking about things, I've lost time that could have been spend in precious 'action'. There are some benefits to reflection, impulse may be more exciting but it has its limitations as well.


  • Hickey College
  • Ft. Zumwalt South

Favorite saying

  • ""Know thyself." ~Greek Motto " A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." ~Lao Tzu "I came, I saw, I conquered" ~Gaius Julius Ceaser "There is a time and a place for diversion and amusements, but you should never allow them to override your true purposes. If you were on a voyage and the ship anchored in a harbor, you might go ashore for water and happen to pick up a shellfish or a plant. But be careful; listen for the call of the captain. Keep your attention directed at the ship. Getting distracted by trifles is the easiest thing in the world." ~Epictetus "Cease quoting the law, we carry weapons!" ~Marcus Antoninus"

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