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Most of my profile is restricted to friends. I play the electric bass with the Aaron Stark Band and Rock Candy. ASB has four discs of originals and covers many of the hottest alternative country rock tunes of today. Rock Candy plays many hard-driving rock tunes. Having a blast and loving every minute of it! Check out my band pages: Started playing bass (in 2006, yikes!) with a group named "Welfare Whiskey" covering classic rock, and then "Five", covering mostly modern rock. Had an impossibly cool time with Rob, Chad, and Josh. Had our final reunion show with all the original members on September 22nd 2012. Been working for over six years now as a college professor, teaching computer science. It's challenging but rewarding. I am blessed to have such great people in my life. Thank you, everyone. About me? Human... just human. I guess I can talk too much sometimes... and not enough other times. What can I say? I'm imperfect. "Who knows, anything is possible." みんな、ありがとう。 Min-na, arigatou. Everyone, thank you.

Favorite saying

  • ""To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." ~MCJ.2003.08 "Weather Forecast: light to moderate paranoia, with a chance of certain death." ~MCJ.2011.05.25 "We can't beat ourselves up over things we didn't do in the past. All we can do is live life the best we know how, and try to make some friends along the way." ~MCJ.2011.07.24 "A man who lives right, and is right, has more power in his silence than another has by his words." ~Phillips.Brooks "When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine your own self." ~Confucius "If ya always do, what you've always done, then you'll always get, what you've always got." ~MCJ.2005 "Don't let the bad apples among us taint the whole bushel." ~MCJ.2011.11.26 "When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty." ~The.Civil.War "If there's one thing that remains constant... it's change." "We're only given a set number of "character points" in this life. If a woman is only dating guys whom are attractive, fearless/confident/cocky, and funny (what most women perceive as "good"), then they simply cannot also be selfless, sensitive, and committed. Pick any three." ~MCJ.2011.12.31 "Either go after what you want, or fade away quietly." ~MCJ.2012.1.2 "Beauty is 70% personality, 10% looks, and 20% confidence." ~MCJ.2012.3.3 "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." ~Jack.London "Never believe in a person's words. Only believe in their actions." ~MCJ.2011 "We only get one mother in this world, best to cherish them while we can; for the path afterwards is but two footprints in the sand." ~MCJ.2012.5.18 "We'd like to think that it's all about what is or isn't said. Truth is, it's all about actions and inactions." ~MCJ.2012.5.19 "Silence may be golden; but it may also be a raging inferno." ~MCJ.2012.06.04 "A lobster, when left high and dry among the rock, does not have the sense enough to work his way back to the sea, but waits for the sea to come to him. If it does not come, he remains where he is and dies, although the slightest effort would enable him to reach the waves, which are perhaps within a yard of him. The world is full of human lobsters; people stranded on the rocks of indecision and procrastination, who, instead of putting forth their own energies, are waiting for some grand billow of good fortune to set them afloat. Don't be a lobster." ~Orison.Swett.Marden.(1850-1924) "It's better than it used to be, but not as good as it's gonna get." ~MCJ.2012.07.06 "Stress is a lesson in failed time-management, which we never seem to learn from..." ~MCJ.2012.09.19 "I'm getting sick and tired of worrying about work. Really miss the 80's and 90's when the cost of living was low, jobs were honest, well-paying and plentiful, and political greed and graft wasn't the norm." ~MCJ.2013.02.12 "Art without Engineering is dreaming; Engineering without Art is calculating." ~Steven K. Roberts "We live in an age where the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. That is NOT capitalism..." ~MCJ.2014.04.05 "An asshole is 1% of our physiology. It should be that or less, our personality also." ~MCJ.2015.08.29 “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.”"

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